various music
christian nothaft homepage
 p.c.n Ambiloco 
_______________________ bodensatz-mp3
                                              (KubeNothaft, EatMeTender, Hisn...)

Biertel vor drei - Ein Suffgespräch
über Kunstproduktion in München
(nachgesprochen von unseren Müttern)
(Quarter to Three - a booze conversation about art production in Munich (repeated
by our mothers))

A radio play by and with Martin Krejci, Thomas
Glatz, Sigi Wiedemann, Florian A. Betz + Florian Schenkel - Soundtrack by Christian Nothaft
published by Volxvergnügen as a cassetten-inlay to the Schrottland Magazine #7.

more Info:


Hundetraum (Dog Dream) (2020)

short film by Thomas Glatz
with soundtrack by Christian Nothaft

on YouTube


Die Fledderer (2020)

the text "Die Fledderer" (the (corpse)robbers) by Gerhard Lassen, read by himself and Maria Müller
with soundtrack by Christian Nothaft - helltrip...


Arbeiterfaschingsfront (2019)
(workers carnival front)

this is a little byproduct of the recording of "Macht kaputt was euch kaputt macht" for the Demonum -
EP, featuring Florian Schenkel, Thomas Glatz and Gerhard Lassen.


Splitterwochen - Short Film by Klaus Erich
Dietl & Stephanie Müller
Soundtrack: Christian Nothaft (2017)
 Splitterwochen by Klaus Erich Dietl @ Vimeo


A Trip to the Moon by Georges Méliès
pcn - soundtrack (2017)
 A Trip to the Moon - p.c.n. ambiloco - soundtrack:


Treatment of the Kazim - Akboda - track
"Is Mir Egal" (2017)
 is mir egal - pcn-version @ YouTube


Treatment of the No Means No - Stücks
"Forget Your Life" (2017)
 No Means No - Forget Your Life - pcn-
 postproduction-remix @ YouTube:


Cooperation with author Denijen Paulevic
4 texts by refugees in Munich spoken by Paulevic (two of them by himself), music by Christian Nothaft, made for the webpage (2016/´18)

  als ich nach München kam
  die Pfeilzelle
  Schönes Wetter Brezeln

KubeNothaft - Album
the legendary one and only Album of the short-lived bandproject of Christian Nothaft with Christoph Kube,
named KUBENOTHAFT, released 2001, is now downloadable at bandcamp

more about the band here-->
the Plenum-Song (pcn-remix) (2015)
from the CD-insert of Schrottland #5 "Kollektivhörspiele mit (collecive radio plays with) Thomas Glatz, Florian Schenkel, Josef Hadzelek, Holger Meuss(-chen) & Benno "Zeh""

more --> Schrottland #5 - Magazin @ dept. of volxvergnuegen
GUMMO final
gummo_cd-cover_every_summer_theyre_droppin_like_flies EVERY_SUMMER THEY´RE DROPPIN´ LIKE FLIES (Bellaphon/Bacillus)
the final Studio-Album (Feb. 2014)
available at your favorite record-shop or online at minor-mailorder + munich-punk-shop and as download at itunes + amazon
the-pig-that-would-not-fly-the-live-re-presentation-of-every-summer-theyre-droppin-like-flies THE PIG THAT WOULD NOT FLY
the live-(re)presentation of the "Every Summer They' re
Droppin' Like Flies"- album
(Feb. 2014)
the live-recording of the release-gig - featuring:
Thomas Glatz - pcn - Steve Robotnic - Institut für Leistungsabfall und Kontemplation - NotiL - Till Funke - SonyTagarTony  - Residuum - St. Müller - the Pig Band
free download @

I Got Mine(Motörhead) - Rahmstein live
21.12.13 at Bodensatzfestival, Munich, Germany
(feat. Steffen Müller, rgit + voc, T.V. Shit - fx, Christian Nothaft - feedgit)


bones of desire
no.178  (2013); 5:03

"Beschränkung" - short film 1995  

by and with:

Denis Paulevic
(script, direction, protagonist)
Matthias Weinzierl
(direction, produktion)
Gazan Alpaslan
Martin Novek
(hardware, produktion)
Christian Nothaft

 new version of 2011er with revised soundtrack
  >>download soundtrack<<

Arowana-Sessions v1 pcn - Arowana-Sessions [1. Edition]

Videos of 2010 at YouTube

Review Skug 2010:
" Sometimes music comes along that sounds as if it had just slipped out of a bottle post, a time hole, without being retro or part of a (taking place, coming) revival. It simply makes itself quasi singularly wide, sometimes has tics and quirks like only children and is also not averse to a certain autism. The '"Arowana Sessions" of the Munich musician Christian Nothaft, created between 1998 and 2010, fall exactly into these categories, only to fall right back out of it. Basically we hear midi files, put together with Cubase and the titular cheap sound card Arowana. Actually a terrain between 8bit and Atari sound that seems to have been grazed long ago. Only that all this doesn't play a role here at all (and if, then as what must remain outside). Christian Nothaft calls his tracks "E-Metal" at one point in the booklet and leaves open what this "E" might stand for. Indications between "seriousness", "electronics", "ecstasy", "excess", "deceleration" there are enough in the pieces that swing back and forth between

dancefloor and minimal. But also "Metal" cannot be explained so simply. Brachial and hard may be the idea behind it, but why are we dealing with "string quartets", pianos and other classical instruments, and less with down-tuned strangle guitars? Reading metal as a radical form of an avant-garde that has long since left rock idioms behind with its ears open in all directions might be the key here as well. However, less as a simple translation mechanism (for example into said "string quartets"), but as a transformation into the possibilities and limitations of a cheap sound card. It is simply (and as simply as effectively) about software as an instrument. About the already often tackled undertaking of a self-playing music. What distinguishes "Arowana Session" from similar undertakings, however, is a kind of serious cheesiness of the sounds, which sometimes remind one of the always somewhat eerie and whimsical sounds of old music machines and music boxes." (Didi Neidhart)



pseudo-classicistic string quartet

no.114, 1996 - rev.: 2007

1. movement   2:27
2. movement   7:33
3. movement   3:18

(Mp3´s of virtual



bass phase
  no.154 (2009); 4:50

Christian Nothaft in Bodensatz-Bands:

Hisn - Drums, 1992-94
Eat Me Tender - Git + Voc, 1995-97
Autozynik - Drums 1995-96, Bass 1997
Dam Gok / Von Hinten II - Git, 1997-98
Kube Nothaft - Git, Voc, Drums, 1998-2001
Abu Bimbel - Drums, 1999-2004

Bodensatz Radio on
The infamous, mostly defunkt, munich label/posse "Bodensatz" sees some awakening in the virtual domain of internet radio. The Bodensatz-Radio on presents music related to this open underground collective and the output of the many constellations their participants made music together in the 20 Years since the beginnings - with large Christian-Nothaft-propotion...



this could have been the shortest song of the world if it wouldn´t have been
8 years too late:

Fuck! - live 3.12.1994 w/Punch-and-Judy-Conspiracy - Inline, Munich